

Tip Says: Check out your local bookstores, local libraries and online used bookstores before buying brand new. Save your money and save the earth, win-win. If it helps you, pass it along!


Tip Says: Dysregulation is something that everyone goes through, but it is highly prevalent in those with trauma/CPTSD/PTSD/depression/anxiety etc. it happens more frequently and is a lot harder for them to re-regulate.

The only yoga video that has ever helped me.

Breathwork for beginners + simple exercise.

Nervous system therapy.

An exercise of breathwork and intuitive movement.

Overview of trauma & nervous system + simple practice.

You're not doing it wrong!

CPTSD/BPD/Distorted Thinking

Tip Says: Childhood trauma and CPTSD go hand in hand. People with CPTSD don't always find the typical healing methods helpful and sometimes they're downright hurtful. It is important to identify CPTSD traits and find the right methods that work for you.

Identify Distorted Thinking you might not be aware of...

Re-Parenting Yourself told from the heart.

why should you care about childhood trauma?

CPTSD and dysregulation.


Tip Says: Addiction

CPTSD and addiction

showing up for yourself.


Tip Says: Anxiety

The deeper issue behind your anxiety.


Tip Says: Relationships can be tough and lessons learned through them can be both heartbreaking and life changing. Understanding how you behave in relationships can help you to make the best out of your connections and lessen the chances of heartbreak and disappointment.

The key to successful healthy relationships.

CPTSD in relationships.

Red flags for CPTSDers in relationships.


Tip Says: ADHD can make you feel like a failure when comparing yourself to neurotypical functioning. It's okay. You function differently, not incorrectly! You and your brain are still fully capable of accomplishing amazing things. Find ways to meet yourself where you're at and find methods that work for you (not against you!) to move yourself through the world.

Tips for working with yourself not against yourself!

Understanding Dopamine.

Make your home work for you.


Tip Says: It's everywhere and you need to learn to defend yourself.

Narcissism & Ego.

The importance of identifying Narcissism.

Example of parental gaslighting.


Tip Says: HSP is still a relatively new term in mental health. It is not yet a part of the DSM-5, and further research is continuing. It is used to describe people with high sensitivities to their emotions, to others, and to their surroundings. In new age terms this is sometimes what people are referencing with the word "empath".

HSP explained.


Tip Says: Society plays a huge role on mental health. Learn how to separate yourself from negative societal ideals and become a free thinker who values positive societal change.

mass psychosis